Whole-Apple Cider Vinegar

Why Whole-Apple Cider Vinegar?

Whole-Apple Cider Vinegar produced at Golden Valley Vinegar in Idaho. 6% Acetic Acid. Excellent as a rumen stimulant for sheep and cattle to help digest forage and get more out of what you’re feeding your animals. Since this is raw fermented vinegar it still contains the “mother” and helps act as a probiotic. It is richer in Vitamins, Minerals and Enzymes (MOTHER) than the Organic ACV that is used to bottle the 6.3% which helps with a host of health benefits for people, beef and dairy cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and more!

Examples of health benefits from ACV

-Immune tonic for bacterial, viral, yeast, fungal, or toxins

-Acts as a digestive tonic for scours, bloat, gas, reflux, and indigestion

-Creates more energy for milk production or ADG and is absorbed through the gut wall (helps increase butterfat, milk protein, and reduce somatic cell count in dairy animals)

Whole-Apple Cider Vinegar is also a great tool for helping ease parasite loads (flies, worms, lice) for all animals by making their blood more alkaline. We’ve seen over 90% reduction in fly load on our cattle in as little as 24 hours after feeding!


Conventional vs Organic Whole-Apple Cider Vinegar

  • This is the non-organic Whole-Apple Cider Vinegar produced at Golden Valley Vinegar in Idaho. 6% Acetic Acid. The product that Golden Valley cut their teeth on 20 years ago. Still the one to feed. If you need a product to put through a medicator, dose-a-tron, spray on the hay as you are swathing or baling, or simply feeding it to your Livestock … this is the ticket.

    Quantities Available

    $12/gal jug

    $50/ 5gal bucket

    $1800/ 275gal Tote

  • All of the benefits of the conventional vinegar with the added benefit of being a certified organic product

    Quantities Available

    $15/gal jug

    $60/ 5gal bucket

    $2355/ 275gal Tote

Directions for Whole-Apple Cider use

For all classes of animals- ACV can be offered free choice, in drinking water, mixed in hay or TMR, free choice with enticer

 4-6 oz., per animal, per day

If sick: Drench cow with one cup of ACV and one cup of water for 3-5 days until improved.

BEEF: 3-4 oz. per day. Dose may vary with body weight, stress level, season and quality of ration.

CALVES: 1-2 oz. per day. (Safe after 2-3 days of age).

GOATS/SHEEP: .5-1 oz. per day.

If sick: Drench 20cc ACV and 20cc water for 3-5 days.

KIDS/LAMBS: .25- .5 oz per day.

If sick: Drench 10cc ACV and 10cc water for 3-5 days. (Safe after 2-3 days of age.)

RABBITS OR BIRDS: Mix 1 oz. per gallon of water or free-choice at 50/50 with water.

SWINE: Mix 1-2 cups of ACV with 20 gallons of water,or offer in a non-tip container. Can offer free-choice 50/50 water mixture, or even molasses.

EQUINE: 2-4 oz. per day. Sprinkle on hay, in water, or 50/50 free-choice in pan. Can be used for colic, founder, or other therapy by drenching with 1 part water, one part ACV for 2-3 days.

Examples of Free Choice feeding and ACV poured over a bale of hay

Don’t just take our word for it

Let Steve Campbell of Campell’s Daily Apple lay out the multitude of ACV benefits and why you need Whole -Apple Cider Vinegar on your farm