Our Mission

Our goal is to rebuild our environment and our soils using nature’s most effective tool, the herbivore! By moving livestock daily we are mimicking the constant movement and migration of bison across the continent centuries ago.

Utilizing management intensive grazing, our cattle harvest the top third of the plant where the most solar energy is stored and offers great animal performance. At the same time the cattle trample some of the plants onto the soil placing organic matter, storing carbon, and fertilizing the soil with the addition of manure and urine. By adding organic matter and carbon to the soil we provide food for soil biology while increasing water infiltration and reducing runoff. Because we always leave plants standing we keep our nutrients and soil out of the waterways and on our farm, while providing a solar collector for the plants to recover. These practices help our cattle stay clean and healthy and results in a cleaner environmentally conscious food source for you the consumer.


A worn out soybean field after cover crop

A worn out soybean field after cover crop



Ex soybean field after rest, grazing, and recovery

Ex soybean field after rest, grazing, and recovery


Our cattle are strictly raised on forage, never grain. By mimicking nature’s systems we can enhance microbial life, capture and store carbon, increase wildlife health, provide cleaner living for the livestock, and a cleaner food product for the consumer. We achieve this natural mimic by utilizing management intensive grazing, portable electric fencing, and continually moving our animals on to fresh green grass to ensure that the animals have the highest quality of life while maintaining meat quality and healing the land.


What you won’t see on our farm

  • Hormone implants

  • Synthetic worming

  • Fly ear tags

  • Insecticides

  • Antibiotics

  • Monocultures


What you will see on our farm

  • Herbivores grazing perennial and annual forages on pasture

  • Soil that is covered at all times

  • Plant diversity

  • A living root in the soil at all times

  • Minimal soil disturbance

  • Wildlife